30 May

Syllabus | English 3 | MATH | 2021-2022

A. Academic reading and vocabulary Coursebook: Katsampoxaki-Hodgetts, Kallia & Eleftheria Hatzitheodoridou. Academic English for Mathematics. DiSigma, 2018 Unit 4: Introduction to Reasoning and Proof (pp. 80-88) Unit 5: Introduction to Probability (pp. 98-114) Unit 6: Introduction to Statistics (pp. 116-127) Unit 7: Geometry Connections (pp. 137-152) B. Academic writing and language Online: ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ ΓΙΑ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΙΚΑ […]

12 November

Syllabus | English 3 | MATH | 2020-2021 | Εμβόλιμη

Ύλη για την εμβόλιμη εξεταστική Ιανουαρίου-Φεβρουαρίου 2022 Academic reading and vocabulary Coursebook: Katsampoxaki-Hodgetts, Kallia & Eleftheria Hatzitheodoridou. Academic English for Mathematics. DiSigma, 2018Glossaries online: Αγγλικά για Μαθηματικά ΙΙΙ Introduction to Reasoning and Proof (pp. 79-90, 94-95) Introduction to Probability (pp. 98-106) Introduction to Statistics (pp. 116-124) Geometry Connections (pp. 137-147) Academic writing and language Online: […]

27 May

Syllabus | English 3 | MATH | 2020-2021

Academic reading and vocabulary Coursebook: Katsampoxaki-Hodgetts, Kallia & Eleftheria Hatzitheodoridou. Academic English for Mathematics. DiSigma, 2018Glossaries online: Αγγλικά για Μαθηματικά ΙΙΙ Introduction to Reasoning and Proof (pp. 79-90, 94-95) Introduction to Probability (pp. 98-106) Introduction to Statistics (pp. 116-124) Geometry Connections (pp. 137-147) Academic writing and language Online: Αγγλικά για Μαθηματικά ΙΙΙ Describing trends Describing […]