21 January

Syllabus | English 2 | MATH | 2021-2022

Academic reading and vocabulary Coursebook: Katsampoxaki-Hodgetts, Kallia and Eleftheria Hatzitheodoridou. Academic English for Mathematics. Disigma Publications, 2018 Real numbers (pp. 16-23) Common procedures followed by mathematicians (pp. 23-25) Algebraic expressions, equations and functions (pp. 32-46, 52) Exponents and exponential functions (pp. 54-62, 65-67) Academic language and writing Academic emails Essay writing 1 and 2 Describing […]

18 January

Syllabus | English 3 | SAS | 2021-2022

A. Academic reading and vocabulary Units from coursebook: Katsampoxaki-Hodgetts, Kallia & Eleftheria Hatzitheodoridou. Academic English for Mathematics. DiSigma, 2018) Unit 5: Introduction to Probability (pp. 98-114) Unit 6: Introduction to Statistics (pp. 116-127) Units from coursebook: Stefan Joan. English for Students of Economics: Microeconomics. Dardanos, 2016. Unit 3: Supply and Demand (pp. 37-42) Unit 6: […]

18 January

Syllabus | English 3 | ICSD | 2021-2022

A. Academic reading and vocabulary (Coursebook: Fitzgerald, Patrick et al. English for ICT Studies in Higher Education Studies. Garnet Education, 2011) Unit 8: Efficiency in Computer Systems (pp. 62-65) Unit 10: E-commerce and E-government (pp. 78-81) Unit 12: ICT in the Future (pp. 94-97) B. Academic writing and language Describing trends Writing a research report (1) […]

17 January

Syllabus | English 1 | SAS | 2021-2022

A. Vocabulary – Reading – Grammar (Coursebook: Phillips, Terry (2011). Technical English. Garnet Education) Unit 1: Points and Lines Unit 2: Fractions and Ordinals Unit 3: Arithmetic Unit 4: Surfaces and Angles Unit 5: Spaces and Volumes Unit 7: Algebra and Formulas Unit 9: Bits and Bytes Unit 10: Computer Networking B. Writing Writing a […]